Who are we
We are long-standing car enthusiasts, passionate about motorisation and vehicle mechanics. Our passion is perfectly reflected by our education and experience. The specificity of our business concerns strictly automatic transmissions. Not every user of such a transmission is aware of the fact that it is a very complicated and extremely precise device. All actions taken on the automatic transmission require specialist knowledge that we possess. We also continue to expand our knowledge in order to develop and grow. We noticed a gap in the offer of mechanical services from our region regarding this type of activity, so we decided to meet the needs of our clients.
The core of our business is service and repair of automatic transmissions of various types, brands and models of cars. We are also one of few businesses that repair antique gearboxes. We belong to ATSG (Automatic Transmission Service Group) and ATRA (Automatic Transmission Rebuilders Association), which are international associations of experts from the automatic transmission industry.
We work in a newly built facility. Our workshop is specially designed and perfectly adapted to provide service and repair of automatic transmissions. The equipment we have is modern, very professional and specialist, and carefully selected.
We welcome you to come!
Why you should trust us
To encourage our regular and future customers to use our services, we decided to present the strong values of our service: